7 Reasons why Procrastination Prevents Progress
Excuses don’t burn Calories
Don’t give in to the dilly-dally of distraction and indecisiveness. When you just take action with your intention in mind, then dithering and delays are easily destroyed.
Without stalling any further, here are ‘7 Reasons Why Procrastination Prevents Progress’
1 – Procrastination Itself
The definition of Procrastination is to delay or postpone. It is the action of choosing inaction. To avoid or omit acting on any specific responsibility or necessary step involved in reaching a desired outcome. This definitively means that the act of procrastination in itself will impede the unfolding of progress in any area of life.
2 – Preclusion
Inhibiting yourself from doing what is required or expected in the natural flow of action is the result of any form of procrastination. Whether we’re talking about excuses, distractions, complaints or even physical obstructions – impeding the execution of essential tasks doesn’t only hinder progress, it halts the entire process.
3 – Prolonged Progression
Excuses, excuses! There is no excuse that can truly validate the lack of resolve when there is an objective in mind. Though, the fulfillment of any goal can be severely prolonged when you fall into the habit of excusing yourself from your personal progress.
4 – Belief
It’s not like inaction is usually a conscious choice we make. More often, when we fail to do what must be done, it is because of a lack of belief in our ability to perform according to our aspirations. This causes even more avoidance than laziness or excuses. Unfortunately, when we don’t have sufficient belief, we tend to tranquilize our developments even with the efforts we do put in; since such efforts are deeply unsupported or uninspired.
5 – Will
When we are driven to succeed, we dive deep into the unknown of our potential and reap the rewards of our daring endeavors. However, from delay we derive a detrimental deficiency of determination. What will we do, when we do not have the drive to do what must be done…probably nothing.
6 – Aversion
Nature has no aversion to any of the choices we make; and once a decision has been made, the laws of the Universe are literally working on our behalf to ensure the completion of all related ventures. It is quite ironic then, when we avoid sticking to the procedures practically involved in the evolution of our vision, and then wonder “why is it taking so long?”
7 – Evolution
Evolution is a natural law of the Universe. Nothing stands still, so why should you? Even when you do get yourself to a moment of stillness, your breath keeps flowing, you keep burning calories, because your heart is still active. We strictly cannot remain in stasis in any area of life. It is almost impossible to stop ourselves! Yet, somehow we manage to linger for longer in certain comfort only to reach a level of stagnancy that spoils the comfort-zone inevitably. Perhaps then we can be free of hesitancy.
Or perhaps our socks can cure this dilly-dally disease, because excuses don’t burn calories!